The Chart Show

Why the chart exists

For you the musician and its fun to broadcast.
I have been wanting to broadcast a chart show for years, but i can't broadcast it all the time. It reminds me of Top of the Pops where you get different presenter on occasion, this is the same here.

Why nominate and why get people to vote

It is a big promotion and shows members of the public are voting and perhaps buying your songs as well.  Reason a profile is connected to the chart list under ' Visit' and the station gets a lot of traffic.
Created well over 2 years ago and one of the most popular shows on Music World Radio.
When people want to contribute and help in part see you succeed and yes there are good people out there, other than the jealous buggers out there, they want to help and this is one of those ways.

Number one

Like all charts, there is a number one placing.  Like any other chart this is the highest place in the chart and means the public really like what you are doing.  The prize for being at the top, is nowing that people are bothering and knowing your song is there and are perhaps buying your song. There are many reasons why people are voting and the station makes it easier for everyone how to vote

How it works

The background work is not easy, but it makes life a lot easier up front. If you have voted, you will notice, you do not have to login or register, just go to the page and click to vote.  The entire chart system is also within the website.  Many times i have seen register voting systems on website and it is very irritating.  I have seen musicians complain about lack of votes and i have told them because of the system the site has got.  Who really knows their login information for a website? 9 time out of 10. not many.  Reason it is set up this way, because people just do not want the hassle and neither do we as time is stretched enough a it is


Amazingly, this confuses a lot of people.  The reason i say that it because so many people ask. This is not reading whats on the website.  Also different words are interpreted differently in other languages

A song that is nominated /submitted ( Same thing), you goto the form that is built for this on the website.  You type in the band name, title of the song, a link to a music profile site that has your basic musician information on and that has the song you submitted to the chart. You also and this in important, which 95% of artists miss, you send the mp3 for us to download so it can be played
Alternatively you use this e-mail chart@musicworldradio, if you have trouble uploading your song to the form


Not everything is chart worthy. We do get bad music.  It is an Alternative chart, not a X factor contest.  We do not exept recording of people bagging cuts instruments, anything related to DJ hero, or just anything, crap.  Not many songs get rejected but it does happen.

Bubbly Upcomers

This is section under the top 20, with all the song that have been newly submitted to the chart. There is no deadline for submitting, but the list for that week is arranged Thursday night for the list on Friday night for when the chart is broadcast. This section is freshed every Friday night after the chart is broadcast around 11pm English time for YOU the good public to vote

Top 20 chart

Every song on in this chart started with zero votes in the Bubbly Upcomers list. They then get voted in throughout the week after the chart. The deadline is the Thursday after and then all songs that have enough votes, break through into the chart as a new entry
There is no fixing, rigging or anything else going on.  The votes are cast by the public, one vote per person, per Ip address, thats the maximum.  And when the chart is broadcast, thats how the system works, simple as that.
There have been shocks oh yet, but the simple fact remains if a song stays in the chart for more than 30 weeks, it is very popular

Who submits

Anyone can submit a song, as long as they tell the artists they are submitting it. Many a time a fan submits a song, yet the song goes nowhere. It is ok to submit a song, but its good for the fan to mention it to the artist they like that they have submitted that song to the chart.  All musician are notified when they are nominated and in the chart by the presenter of the show a few hours before the chart broadcast, but when a fan submits a song for the chart, it would be good to have contact that they know the musician regularly checks, otherwise there is no movement

The voting system

Promoting your song?  You have to plug every week.  People do forget to vote or like to be reminded of it. I have experienced this with my own music and you have to keep reminding people. The voting system is week by week. If you think voting one week and thats it, nope, your going to see you song drop like a fly.
The chart system holds the votes for one week, then after the broadcast, everything goes back to  zero.

Voting starts @ 11pm Friday evening

Even though i have spelt this out on e-mail and in general, we still get asked. or we get ' I can't see the song'  Please read the webpages provided for the chart. Magick, the station boss, recently revised the instructions on the topchoons pages as people we getting confused
After every live chart show broadcast people can start voting again on the chart and the new songs submitted that week on the ' Bubbly upcomers ( Mentioned above)

Seriously if you still have questions, you are not reading the webpage

We are all volunteers

Although the chart is a success, it takes time and man hours to put into place.  Many people to not release the time is does take.  Everyone involved in the chart one way or another volunteers their time to do background work or present, no one gets paid.  you can donate, but no idea if anyone does, or they might put i do not know

To vote for any songs in the chart   here
The top 20 and Bubbly Upcomer chart ( View version)  This is where all songs have profile links here

Promote Your song

I expect some musicians expect the station to do all the promotional work, but we do not. If you do, pay us and we will. Many band are really good at promoting the chart. Andy Heard is an English musicians been in the chart over 20 week and has a Facebook group up for is and has good following
American Rockers, Bigtalkahh also do great promotion on the Facebook and have fantastic artwork for it


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