( Album Review ) Greta's Bakeryy - Edge of Everything

Album Review
Greta's Bakery
Edge of Everything
Jazz/ Pop
Itian/ American

The style of the 80s Swing out Sister crossed with Sade pop, brought to the modern audience with a slice of Latino.'

That sums up this album. I thought i would never hear this sound again after Swing Out SIster began the trend back in the 80s.  After a spate of Pop acts recently from Synth to bubblgum pop, the threesome, Italian beauty with a voice to match, Greta Panettieri,
Andrea Sammartino and on the keys and Mike LaValle on the bass and guitar really bring the sprit of Jazz Pop into the modern times.
Starting with, Give up the Ghost, is the most commercia of the albums song, which is very reminscent of Swing out Sister and the opening of the album, just cries out Sade.
Aurora, which is actually sung in Greta's native language, which is Italian.  There are covers on this album ,which are produced to a degree, you wouldn't recognise them, which is a challange in itself. From Prototype( Black Eyes Peas) to Se Telefonando originally co-written by legendary soundtrack composer Ennio Morricone.
You like Pop, like Swing out Sister and sade tyle, this is perfect  Seriously, you can't get any better than this
Signed to Decca U.S currently, but are looking for gig and promotion in the U.K


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