Ali Ingle review

Ali Ingle new ep, The Man and the Monster

This is a nice ep, but not what i was expecting.
Very well recorded songs and ep with a homemade design sleeve.  Great songs, very professional quality and writing. You have a fantastic song, with Ali's main instrument, the Ukulele, Tornado, then the rest of the ep, you do not hear it, unless its wat in the background, which i found a little disappointing.  Maybe that was the idea, to make every song different, which is great for a musician to be diverse and guests vocals.  But what would have been really great is to have more Ukulele up front.  Before i heard the ep, i saw the live version of rubcage, which is what i was expecting in a recorded form, but in stead you have one song and the rest in fuller band recordings, which is fine.  I gather Ali's main instrument is the Ukuele and really it would been a good idea to have more of the instrument more up front so people actually realise thats what he plays
There is slight R.E.M influence in the music, which might come from Ali's voice or the fuller band songs. One of the happy accidents :)



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