
At the very start of radio broadcasting i wanted to put the shows somewhere after i had broadcast, uncut. This is not edited, just as the show as was broadcast, unless the net goes down, which we cut out, aside from that, as is

It took us some time to find somewhere that had no limit( When free) and had a play capability through an app.

Why not downloadable
Also, i never have my podcasts for download due to my mixture of Independent and big names on my playlists and listeners like requesting and so fourth.   when i have a guest there can be a special downloadable version made available, but that takes time( Don't get paid for this)

Where we have been and still are
With these facts in mind, we found Podomatic first, which takes 5 two hour shows for free as long as the shows are uploaded from the original recorded file.(We have recorded interviews still on this) Then we discovered the mighty Soundcloud. This is great place, but you have to replace the show week by week and they have a two hour limit(Still use it for uploading submissions).
We were honestly getting fed up of uploading and replacing when the limit was maxed out, that is until we come across, MIXCLOUD


I found this through a drum & bass dj, then as you might expect, i thought hmm, are there limitations, and do fourth.  Mixcloud might not be perfect but its the first site for uploading shows i have come across, that is free. no limit to time, or number of shows. You have to put up a playlist, which is fine. Finally, ,they have an app you can listen to them on. great

What we do with podcasts

First we upload the show, then we upload the post which consists of various artists images they have sent us and they use for promoting an album, a single, or just general images.
We have a title, which has changes as recently MC updates prevent putting up the same title twice, which is fine.  We then upload the embed player to a blog and website( When we have hours back) the link goes to all main featured artists and poster and link to the photo album on your Facebook and group

Artists versions

When we have guests on and uploaded the full version of mixcloud, it is possible to re-edit the show for just the artist and fans.  We have have done this just for uploaded purposes, but this was stopped to save time.  Edited audio does take longer then people think Its not just cutting out non artist music, its making is smooth and editing down their songs as well, which is usually half the length( Depends on the artist)
We charge for this as we do not have the time to do it.  Everything else is free
Its only £10 for a reedit and the artist can decide what they want left in and out
This process can take a couple of ours maximum and some of this is donated to the radio station as well
Our mixcloud



At the moment you can only download mixcloud app through Google Play. The full version is not out for the app store yet
                                                For iphone ( Beta)  

To submit music

Any style, any sound, On the subject bar, but submitted via blog( depends where you saw it)

Thankyou for reading

DJ readman


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