Monthly Compilation for charity

I have been toying with the idea of selling a form of the monthly compilation.

So far, there have been two compilations, March and April and already have some submission for May. Then next step is to arrange a compilation for sale, probably a 10 track version of the compilation.

Due to the nature of the non profit on Music World Radio, we are unable to sell compilations, unless people donate. Therefore the compilation finances are going to charity.

Now this is a big field but the one subject that is always high  on the list is Cancer. This is my first choice for person reasons, mainly relations and friends. Someone pointed out that people out on the field as in volunteers is also worthly of attention

So, research charity and on the field charity on the two fields that have to mesh


The station has listeners from many parts of the world, not just Europe.  There are charities in the U.K who do cater for other countries, its just narrowing it down
it has to be a charity that has a general worldly field and takes that into account

Anyone that know of a charity or involved in one that take into account field operatives and lab research, then contact us

Note: No charities involved in protesting




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