Open Show Album Promotion

Since the summer i created a radio promotion. This started as a spur of the moment idea to replace the show jingle. The was changed,  because playing a different song on very show might confuse people.

I thought what could be a something simple and does not take up all the show?
I thought, 4 weeks is enough for one album, that is 8 shows.  I then realised that i could try voiceover music, which i had not attempted before as i have learnt playing the song to loud, you can't hear both music and voice.  When i replaced my mixer, it was better to control and the voiceover music works, so that was added to the promotion.
I then added the voiceover song at the end of the show, either in full or play to fade out
The top opening show is in album order and the voiceover is randomly chosen

So far, albums by Lee Negin, Blackdoghat, Rattlin Bone, Gypsy Lee PistoleroAgainst all Will and now 68-75 are going to be apart if this series.
People can still request a song from the album, anytime, but the songs that are part of the promotion on that particular show are played in track order

All information got to the album section of our Facebook here

Thankyou for reading


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