(FIlm review) The Dark Night Rises

Like many people, i was thinking, how can you top the joker in the Dark Night, thats going to grow into icon status in years to come. To be fair, i give huge credit for Chistopher Noel for releasing some fine batman films that was very much needed and just amazing to watch. I have not seen many new films recently and the so called trilogy, which is a load of rubbish, unless its going to be called the Noelan Trilogy as aparantly he hs stepping down. There are going to be more Batmans. The Dark Night Rises, completes a story cycle, with some great twists, awsome weaponry, which has never been shown and again a great cast. I like the way Noelen used many of the cast from Inception, mixed with the basic cast of batman and new cast members. He reminds me of Quentin Taratino here, he has a touch that no one else has Bane is in this one and i thought, what are they going to do. On the surface its a mixture of The Dark night and Batman begins in regards...