Music and video submission, we want them :)

Independent Variety Show

This is the show i present on Thursday nights.  I am still broadcast on Mwr, but now channel through, DM Radio, Hankypark Radio, GR broadcasting and New Usb Radio, through New Usb site, who support the Independent circuit worldwide.
As well the the show being uploaded as broadcast the day after live broadcast, it is also repeated Monday night 10pm until midnight on Gr broadcasting channel

Video Show

Ray, The owner of New Usb  and Glenn from About Time, present a live video show on New Usb, Tuesdays and Fridays on Grb TV, which is part of New Usb.   Since i am now being heard on this site and they are broadcasting the video show, i have began to submit music videos to their show, either to promote an upcoming radio show or a show i have broadcast that is being repeated there


There is a submission form, which i use and anyone else can use.
This does not have to be the exact song that i have played( Although it would help), as maybe there isn't one.  It can be live gig performance or a song from the same album.
If a band, or solo artist have a lots of video or fans uploaded some, i create a playlist on my own youtube channel, which i have been doing for many artists that submit, over the last few months

At the moment, the form does not refresh itself after the first video submission. This will no doubt be sorted out

Submission form


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