By My Music launch and Raymond Rowe chat

By My Music is a brand new ' non commission' store run by New Usb, to sell artists music.
Unlike many other selling sites, they take no money from you, unless you sell 100 tunes, then you can donate if you like. but there is no monthly fee, not 50%. The only fee after Saturday, December 15th is £1 per upload. This can be either a single or an album.  Aside from that, the only cut from any sales is what paypal take, which is connected to your sales, Then is is advisable to set up a Micropayment account or upgrade your current paypal account
One the launch show we had Raymond Rowe, the founder of New Usb, talking about the site, reason for setting it up and about the music site inbetween some music from artists played that are on the site

Raymond knows that Independent artists struggle to make money from music. After all its a craft like any other. If the music is good enough, people will buy it

Newusb          Streamed on Music World Radio      Buymymusic site


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