( Music Revew) Sliverspark - Life the Fuse

The Ep Light the Fuse, Something about You, Don't Bring Me Down and The Theif

This suprised me a little. Power Pop/ Rock duo from Daventry, England.
I have very chosey with music, even with songs i radioplay, but when it comes to catchy songs, you can't go not wrong with Silverspark and it a a fine ep, which is very commercial sounding and what Pop rock should be in the general chart
Some great song writing here and Careys vocals are being compared to Sharleen from, Texas, for some stunning singing and goes very nicely with Matts guitar playing
Light the Fuse, is my favourite for being he most powerful of the ep and aparantly many people are picking up on this.
Every song could be a single,and very professional recording, sound great and you can hear the lyrics
On very few occasions i say buy it, on this occasion, buy it.  
Matt and Carey are making a great effort to get known and their music speaks volumes
You can go to their website and listen before buying or you can request on my radio shows

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