(Live Radio Show) Lee Negin Radio Special

Lee Negin, American born electronic pioneer began his career in the late 70s and released Nothing goes Right in the early 80s.  He has been on my radio shows before, talking about his electro music. I first talked to him about this, Hungry Ghosts, album in the release week of 2011.  It was the first time i had talked the Lee and we reflected on the revived interes in his 80s hit, which was remastered and re released before Hungry Ghosts

Thursday, 21st, March, we are going to be talking about his new ambient works, The Lunar Collection, which, with this releasem he has kept with his ambient composing.  Previous releases have kept with that journey of sound and more of mix of  experimental sounds and breakbrat/ pop beats, which was aparantly in Techmodelic Transmissions

To those of you that are new to Lee Negins work, we will be mentioning and playing tracks from album releases going back to 2011.

Have any questions you can ask in the shoutbox on the station, on Facebook chat, text 447810518778  You can for the first time, call in on the same number you text on. Outside the U.K is is other 011 or 00144, depending on the country you are calling from

                                                             To the station   Lee Negin Website


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