(Competition) April compilation competition

The Debut

( Poster is the March edition compilation) March 11th was the debut of the monthly compilation competition.  This is to give away an entire playlist i play on the night of the show.
This is to showcase talent, who have been played on the radio shows or new submissions. Many people like the idea and so the once a month competition was born
The winner last night, Lisa Ann, from, Massechusettes. She won the 22 songs ( 20 plus two bonus) which will be sent to her in due course

Update ( 27th March)

New blog coming up the week before the April show.  This will include, images of artists, the song and link to artist profile

Update ( 23rd March)
Song on Soundcloud

An option for artists.  When you send or have already sent a song for the monthly compilation and you want people to listen to it.   We can upload it to our MusicSubmission Soundcloud profile.
The song will be linked to the Gallery and when they April edition comes near the show, we will link the song to the image

Update (16th March)

Since we opened for the April competition, we had recieved 9 songs. There are two more to come, in the coming days

I am now taking submissions for April edition.

Already had some submissions based on the first edition.   The number of songs per compilation is 20. I play all songs on the show. An artist can send more than one songs for the compilation if he, she or they wish.

Can be a demo, work in process, live song or studio song, accapella, spoken word, comedy sketchm anything. The track can either be in wav or highest as possible in mp3
As always with all shows, the entire show is uploaded to mixcloud

The March edition of the show was a success, with a lot of listeners and musicians tuning in

Again, 20 songs are for each compilation

From the artist
One song or more, any links and credits to the song, such as profile and video links( Has to be an official video link).  All bands are in seperate folders with all information that is provided

Podcast or no podcast

The compilation show will be uploaded as a podcast the day after, as i do with all my shows. If you submit an unreleased track say yes or no to the podcast.  If yes it will go on the post, when no, i will play live, put it will be edit out of the podcast

The compilation is available no where else. This is not for resale.

Want to submit for April

Thankyou for reading


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