April edition of the Radio Variety Show compilation

This April show, to win the compilation below. hits the radio stream on April 15th 2013
There is a gallery on my Facebook page, which includes the artists who have submitted to the April edition

The compilation

I introduced this and began in March.  This all began as another way of promoting bands and giving something back to the listeners.  The compilation is made up of upto 20 songs( Depends per month), and all songs are played as an entire playlist on a one off show for someone to win.


Apologies for the very late update. Here are the artists that are on this months compilation
on this compilation we have two artists with two songs each. How lucky you are :)

South Carolina, U.S.A
Little Stevie and Paul Wiley
A celestial moment in time
Ambient piece

Atlantic, Georgia
Funk Rock
I Got Nothing

England, U.K
Andy Pickford
Blue World


Jet Noir
Beautiful Losers
This is her new release, now available to buy through
Black Flag

Lincoln U.K
Honesty Guy
Soft to have heavier PopRock

Oxford, U.K

Jet Noir
Under the Moon (Skape Remix)

Bowles, U.K

BB Blackdog
No One
Funk Rock
Buy the album Here

England, U.K

Helder Rock aka The Misfit
Tammy Girl
Synth, Electro
Buy the album

Modesto, U.S.A
Kreative Soulz
Sleepwalking and
I still Stand
Acoustic/ Rap

Bee Keeper

Set My Total to Zero
Electric Acoustic

Deborah Bed
England, U.K

Virginia Slim
Malibu. U.S.A
So Punk Rock

The Look
Made It all

Oxfordshire. U.K
Jozzie Ostler 
Make Your Day
Acoustic Rap

Compilation content

This is not just about music.  Many artists submit music for radio play, but you can submit any audio you like. This compilation reflects the show content.  Anyone can submit a poetry reading, a spoken work, comedy sketch and accapella or movies score.  I never but barriers on audio, because there are none. The only rule is the audio you are submitting has been created by you


The reaction and feedback has been very positive
The interaction was great on the live radio station shoutbox. The artists that had first place on the station receieved good feedback from listeners
Its fun to do and you hear a lot of new audio

If you want to promote it along side a gig you are doing or a new release or any outside promotion, then by all means.

To submit put on subject bar for April competition compilation to......

More updates fourthcoming and we get nearly the show
Thankyou for reading and feel free to leave a comment


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