(Demo Review) Jet Noir - Beautiful losers

This will be played on my Radio Variety Show on Monday 25th March. Will be right after the Open Show Promotion artist, Wily Bo Walker Dj Readman Music review of Breautful Losers

From the Trance sounds of Emotional Chess to the 80s vibe of Beautiful Losers.
This tune is currently in demo form, but already you can tell the sound direction
This has a very big 80s influence. Since the colaboration with Tony Mayo of Naked Lunch it would not suprise me that its rubbed off a little.  I love this song, the energy it has. I love the style, and its great to keep music diverse in this way. She will get a lot of head bangers, maybe punks listening to this..
Its loud, fast paced synth, strong beats, all round go 80s industrial synth sound



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