Air drumming at its finest

I have been air drumming a lot, recently.  The band i am in, The Projectiles, needed a second drumming, so i stepped upto the plate. I have no drum kit, no room, for one, reason i never took up as an instrument.

What is air drumming
No different to playing air guitar, although with air drumming, it helps you practising for when you have real kit in front you. Its hitting air and sitting in the position, you would do, if you were in front of kit.
I found talking with drummers, who i have seen live and they recommended, Aerodrums

What is Aerodrums?
Good question, i went to find out......

This is essentially, taking air drumming to the next level for practising. May sound daft, but it helps out more with adding sounds.  This kit is software that connects to your webcam on your desktop/ laptop., comes with special sticks and together they create the drum sounds, without it physically being there. You position yourself, as if you were playing a real kit
I thought, ah, £50, but no, £100, so i have got to wait.  I have drum sticks and do air drumming against songs. Of course, its not like the real thing. Buying a kit would be the solution, but no funds for that.
I like drumming and am the bass player i have the band. I have bass guitar, which is easier to plug in and practice

Paul Readman
Bass player,/ drummer
The Projectiles


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