Jet Noir

After finding the energy to get to the room and with the help music colaborator. Tony Mayo, we broadcast the first LIVE interview i have done with Jet Noir.  The lovely, yet professional, beautiful and intelligent, female Gothic, pop, Trance composer, from the county of, Oxfordshire, England
I have known Jet for about 6 years and this is how i found out about her music.
Due to phobias she does not venture out much.  But due to her growing popularity with her latest album, she really wanted to get out there
As many probably know from her fantastic professional images on facebook, with a face like marble and a figure to die for she is a model, which in part has helped with music artwork.

The chat was fantastic, talked about her new album, Emotional chess, about her progression from a Punk band to electro music, her writting and from demos to Mastering
While we had the chance or more to the point, he grabbed the mic, Tony Mayo.  Other than associating the name, Naked Lunch, to the film from the mid 80s, i had no idea there was a band,  called, Naked Lunch.  You can find out a lot in two hours.  The show flew past, always the same when your having a laugh.

Its was all about the music, but Jet did touch upon her condition and phobias, which not many people can openly talk about. She has come to the point where its good to talk about it and get the word out

The show

Search Jet Noir in the mixcloud search and it also comes up all the shows her songs have been played on


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