Acoustic recordings

New Recordings

I am recording again, did some yesterday, with one microphone and my guitar.
Been a bit of a gap as concentrating on other things, but had time the day after band practice.

The new song i have recorded is Where's My Vegetarian, which is a horror poem. The rerecording or another version of is Motorcycle Man, which again, one microphone recording.  Motorcycle Man has already had a remix by the Strummer Room Project, but thats not the two recording that as originally used

Both are now up on Soundcloud

The recordings

I am going to start recording seperate track only as a member of Dog Food. Magick Temple jumped in to offer to do some remixes.  Its easier for a person to remix when the songs are recorded this way.  I will be recording Where's My Vegetarian is seperate parts for future remixes if and where they come up.
Seperate files makes the recording a little clearer. I record the guitar first, then the vocal and it is possible to do this with one microphone and a laptop
I have no other equipment, other than an electric guitar and an amp, as well as my steal string acoustic. I did have a keyboard some time ago, but i went to the guitar as i prefered the instrument


As i have said on other blogs, i have only been doing recordings and peforming slices of songs on my radio shows for about 6 months. I also just had the song. Pirates in My Sink for a 3 month run on Music World Radio Top 20 chart.  Considering i had not been doing this for very long, that was pretty good.  This was of course all public votes, so thankyou everyone for even wanting to vote in the first place, for whatever reason


I can play guitar and sing, well the poems are more spoken word. Although i do realise with the net there is so much music around its rather scarey out there, so i do not expect instant feedback or people to even like my music straight away, it just does not happen, well it does, depends how people catch you

The next step, if possible

Going into a studio and laying down songs more cleanly is the next time, but obviously, that does take money. Software is about £200 and upwards, so no chance there
I use Wavepad to do all my recordings and it words well

Original Work

Like many people i can create.  So far, all the lyrics are from Gary Cornmans poems, but the ideas from him and hat he has been doing, has given me ideas.
The improvised track. Their Thangs is based on my love for vampire movies and TV series True Blood. I do not mention anything specific, but its about vampires.  This is in the process of being rerecorded as the ' In the Works' version will be replaced soon. Just want to tweek the lyrics
Although Gary does not mind what i do with his poems, as i have done a god job so far, i am going to use more of mine for remixes. If someone likes one and wants to remix one, i do not mind,  I love here what other people can do, but when you start getting more people involved in one song and for example you upload to sell then the splits get thinner. This is fun, but there is point where you ever want to take it more serious or not, depends what happens in the long term

Paul Dj Readman


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