Quality Films: Episode 2: My Favourite Film Soundtracks


Episode 2: Soundtracks
I have Blade Runner, and Pulp Fiction on vinyl and the rest I have to get, this is the reason I did this video because these soundtracks are timeless.
Blade Runner and Pulp Fiction are well known for the music as well as the film.  Trainspotting is also well known as a modern classic, but the only song that stands out is Lust for Life, by Iggy Pop because it helped to promote the film. There was also the Underworld, dance tune Born Slippy, but I feel Lust for Life was more mainstream in popularity.
The Matrix has a good soundtrack but I don’t think people remember it for the soundtrack but more for the film's visuals except for Rage Against the Machine.
The Crow I love but I think the soundtrack was overshadowed a little by the death of Brandon Lee during filming.  It's a fine soundtrack which was helped by the song by The Cure, in trailers.
Oh, Brother Where Art Thou, is one of my favourite films due to the fact that it has a certain look, .pace and just comes across as a fantasy. 
It has a soundtrack but it's only known for one song that is mimed by the actors and released by another band.
The sound in this film is more interwoven with the film than in some others. It's just fantastic
I might do more soundtrack videos so stay tuned :)



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