Little Brother Eli 2019 Christmas Party


The Christmas Party was on. No elves but got support bands from Danny Mellin, The Brixton's and Betsie Gold.

The wife and I got in early to get a place at the stage front.  I got the drinks and got treated to band and solo songs by Danny Mellin. All nice and solid

Then came Brixton’s from Oxford.  I had to playback my phone as It turned into a wall of sound.  They were LOUD. My phone recording had managed to filter it out.  Fine band with a lot of energy.  

I had not seen any of the support acts before nor on Youtube but Betsie Gold, I will see again. The sound was nicely balanced.  You could hear everything clearly.  I loved the deep baseline and great singing by Betsie.  Very impressive and easily a headline act.  One of her famous show moves I found out is crowd surfing. First time i had seen anyone do that in person.  Outstanding performance.

Now for the feature presentation.  

Little Brother Eli

The venue was packed and time to introduce new drummer Mitch, to a bigger audience.  One thing I like about Little Brother, is really get the crowd going. The band are always moving about.  There was fresh ears and fans in the audience.  Alex took control of the crowd, getting us to sing certain words like a football chant. I think Alex has started something there. Going to hear that at future gigs. Also while singing Gold he forgot the lyrics which was what he did at last years gig. A running gag now?  My favourite is song and yes I now have a favourite is Love Between Teens.  Very catchy and very dancy disco number.  It needs the club remix treatment as I find the song too short.  The bands sound can easily fill a large stage as The 02 Academy proves.  Once again Alex’s unique vocal style, range and dance moves draw you in with Josh funky bass riffs and Adams guitar and keyboard work. I am assuming that Mitch is a rock style drummer? Powering through the songs like he owned them

You can't help but dance to the music.  The reason I didn't record as much.

Beautiful People is their signature end set song was performed. That is until the crowd wanted an oncore. The guys returned to end on Animal Fair.

The only downside of the night was returning home. What we thought was a coach replacement for the train turned out to be a town bus. An hour on that boneshaker. I was glad to get off.

The gig was outstanding. The support act highlight was Betsie Gold.

  Little Brother Eli.       Betsie Gold.   Brixton’s.   Danny Mellin


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