Variety Show, not just about presenting

In the beginning
Before i began on net radio, i used to run a record shop. While i was in business, i began to find talent. sell the merch and CD.s. Then the magazine idea comes to mind. I started printing a magazine, interview bands at gig, recieving music to review.  Then the online radio came.  At the time, i had no idea i could do radio, although for some reason, i didn't care.  Luckily i liked what i heard and you learn things over time.  I had interviewed bands for the magazine, but live is different. But again, i just did it.

The online radio took over the magazine side of things, which is good, but you want to get out to gigs. The only trouble with a radio, it does not provide finances to do this. Local events are not too bad, you can sometimes get on guests lists, have a few drinks and interview the acts. I used to have a dictaphone or mini disc recorder to record interview, which was fun outside in the wind many times

The future of Variety

Up until this year, i have not gone out to gigs as much as my mentality was different, but now i am starting to swing back to what i used to do, interviewing bands off the net and meet them at gigs.
Me and my wife Rhonda have been travelling, mainly to, Birmingham, to see bands and to do that, i have been selling stuff to finance trips as money has not been around. If if you get on guests list, you still have to book a hotel and travel.  We have been a few times, to see a few electro bands, especially whens its a mixed event. I miss interviewing bands after soundchecks, which i did at the Flapper in August and saw some awsome performances. The Flapper took me right back to what i used to do before the internet radio came along
I have been presenting on internet radio for over 5 years, have guests down and perform. This is based on the promotion i do and many musicians appreciate them you give to the music
The Variety show is now the name i use and many people know me under the name. Its easy name to remember. The Radio Variety Show is more than an internet show, is part of the music world of going to gigs, getting tickets( Sometime i pay, depends on what the promoter feels like doing). getting out there
with the Radio Variety Show name. I am going back to the routes, with the combination of the net radio show for the outlet, and watching bands performing, interview them and replaying bands on the shows.

For more information on what is going on with the radio, filming and gig apperances

Thankyou for reading


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