From Doollalays to a new band........

The band is so new, no name for it yet.
Being in a band is pretty cool. Me on guitar, Carl Waring on the drum and Tony Cooke on guitar and vocals
Over the course over 2 years with Jamming and rough recording we had a good thing going. But performing we never did. We had complete songs, about 3 we could perform. There was always some problems. Obviously things are never perfect, but performing is what bands do.
This year, the band basically died a slow death. Tony Cooke is happy doing his own solo stuff, i do the odd Acoustic recording and Carl still plays drums with a few other people.  The last jam was nothing like we did in the past and was basically rubbish.
Out of the blue, Carl called me a few days ago and said i had enough of what was the Doolallays and wanted to move on. We both agreed to carry on with original material and covers. I had had a number from someone and see someone on the net wanting band members, but as usually nothing comes of it.  To carry on, you need a third member.
We both like creating, jamming and recording music and Carl has performed with other people as he was getting frustrated with the Doolallays end not performing out, so was i

The future

In two weeks on a Friday night, November 1st,  a new band is going to be tested. The one song we are probably going to go through no doubt, is a Stranglers song. I found out over time for warm up song that Carl, likes the track, Peaches, but is now going to part of the first songs we go through. I have the odd poems from Gary Corman, we are going to see what works and just jam and see what comes out. The new memeber that is coming along to see if things gell is Alexander David Braybrook who is a young talented guy with electric and bass guitar skills

The starting plan is to just jam, and see what we can do when we alternate instruments
This is going to be updated with the news and when we have a new name. There is always a
Facebook an old Doollalays one we are going to change to the new bands

Paul Readman, guitarist/bass player and sometime, Drummer


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