
You say, whats that?
Look at the word, Vloggerfair.
Fair, is where people meet other people, be entertained( Depends whats there) and have a good time and interact.
Vlog is video blogging in a video network, mainly Youtube
The whole idea is an experience of vloggers coming together, filming each other in one place at once time
This is not be live on Youtube as it will defeat the whole object, but obviously film up later on

Chris Pirillo, who runs, Lockergnome, in,  Seattle, Washington, U.S.A, along with many sponsers ( Still room for more) has organised vloggerfair, for June

He has built up a net community though all social media main sites. Facebook, Youtube( The main one), Twitter, Google +, Tumblr and Lockergnome, website for the past 16 years.  He is very entertaining with daily reports, unboxings, reviews and many other things tech related  and a for us, yes, thats right, not for him, but for us

From $29 you can enter a great world of interaction and $99 gets you the V.I.P pass. The V.I.P package comes with $800 worth of extras, now thats a bargin

I will not be, as i am in England, although it would be cool :)

For more information: links     Vloggerfair       Youtube          Lockergnome


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