Junes compilation and charity release

We have had March, April and May competitions this year so far.  All had winners and the May prize was won by Chris Saffle, who donated his prize to a new listener, Gary Veach

The next compilation is June, which is the month we also move this up a gear.
Since this beginning, i wanted to do something different for charity. I have volunteered in charity shops, but i have always wanted to do something music related
Well here it comes

June is the release of a donated based RVS Compilation. Various artists coming together to suppoirt charities, which are:

The Red Cross and Habbitat for Humanity

The two charities do a lot for the planet we live on.  They deal with housing and volunteers going to natural disasters and many others things.
Due to the international audience the charities have work, home and abroad. This is to make it fair on  people donating for the compilation

I have contacted both charities, so they know that it's going ahead

Want to submit for the compilation? the audio submitted will get general radioplay as well as the compilation show.  The station i broadcast on, runs a public vote music chart ( Not direct sales), so you can have the song submitted to that as well :)

Live Performance

Want to perform on the radio to launch the release?
This can only be one band live and another band on a different show on live Skype as not all bands are from England.
It would be good to put on a several band event, but no finances for that, so going this direction
of course, if it was a show special and we had two bands turn up doing 45 minutes sets or something that would be good
The live performance will be in a different location to where Blackdoghat was filmed.  I will hire the practice room at General Foods for the radio shows performances

Other than the radio audience, the bands performances will not be public as in where we are peforming. People may look in, but there will be no tickets on sale or anything

Thankyou for reading
 For more information


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