I’m Back selling Vinyl. Nothing Beats Selling Vinyl

From the dawn of what a knew what a record was, I knew I loved music.   It wasn’t until my teens that I wanted to sell music. I ran a records shop from 1994 - 2005, then held stalls at fairs and markets which didn’t take. I then thought, that’s it no more, but it was still nagging at me mentally.

Fast forward to 2020 when the global Covid Pandemic hit, I come across an auction-style Facebook group. Like any auction, you bid on what you want as long as you win it.  I discovered this was a great group.  I found through sales that direct sales groups don’t seem to have much business from what I saw.  I only sold one vinyl this way and two vinyl records through Market Place.  I tried eBay a few times but I got stung by their fees. 

Through the Start at a £1 auction group, it surprised me with the amount of traffic it got.  Around 98% of my auctions were getting an average win of £10.  Some blew up :0

The Facebook Group

At the moment I am on a hiatus but will be back selling, well auctioning off soon.


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