Episode One: Walker Brigade, Amoeba Teen and More

Thanks for coming here from Youtube.  
This is a new series promoting Independent musicians who need to be heard.
Each episode has four clips of four tracks seamless edited together to be as smooth as possible.

                                                                      Walker Brigade

Well, this ended up being a nice shot of music morphine I didn't realise I needed.
A great blend of pop, Punk and a drunken bass player shooting in all the right directions. After a few songs into ‘ If Only’ with Fallout, opening the album, sounds reminiscent of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. This is one of these albums that just stands out. It gets addictive fast. 
Tracey Walker’s vocal style is like a cross between Courtney Love and Iggy Pop
The video is for ‘ I’m tired’ which the last non remix song on the album.

A Happy Wobble Vibe
This songs is a great sound and great vocal style. To me it the song reminded me of The Happy Mondays, Jah Wobble and also it reminded me of the 90s classic ‘ Weekender’ by Flowered Up.
Nice funky sound and funky vocals.

Reminds me of this 90s classic 

From the opening song Mainstream, from the album of the same name, you get a Beatles, flashback. Great bassline and all round great pop album with selective alternative sounding songs that break up the pop with Barlight Crawl and the last song King of the Cut, which is still poppy.
I like both styles but they could have easily recorded two different albums. 
That being said the odd song balance out well with the rest. 

Ft Sarah B (Nature of Wires)

Sarah, who is best known to many as lead female vocalist with Nature of Wires, has turned summer girl on this more summery club vibe here.
Overcome, is a collaboration with synth musician Dan Armstrong.  
The beats are nice and light and is geared towards the summer crowds.


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