Blackdoghat: Songwriter with the midas touch.

The song writer with the Midas touch. "It has classic written over every track. Has the same writing ability as Paul McCartney". That's my interpretation of musician, John Sage aka Blackdoghat. This is the first interview I conducted with John back in 2012, which includes this music  
In the beginning when us radio folk first got to know Blackdoghat at the time it was an Acoustic duo, John Sage and Greek musician, Matt Gkikas. Dog has been playing his songs like a religious monk, for a number of years when the show was the "Radio Variety Show" with classics such as "Electric", "Down by the Sea", To the Northern Sea from the 2012 album, Planetarium. 2013. John appeared for the first time on the show with a guitar, Ukulele and singing talent in his own right, Ian Nicolson in 2013.  
 John writes a lot about ordinary daily life.  The first song in the video above is about having his gallstone removed. The second song is the classic, "Electric".
His name comes from the fact he had a black dog, who recently passed away. The hat part was just added as it sounded right, hense, Blackdoghat. Inbetween radio, me and meow caught up with John n a trip to London, where he lives and works. We met up with him by London Bridge and had a pint or three and several packets of crisps The Second Coming Three years later  John made an appearance.  Although John was solo at this point since Ian dropped out of music which was a real shame as the guy had some real talent and looked like, Paul Weller , the show had turned into a duo, Dog and Crow. Now both of us had been introduced to the talents of  John Sage.  John came down for the afternoon by train for a visit. He did two radio specials and on the second show, we become part of the audience/song. This appearance was to promote the ep, BARK! and many new songs including, Blues Stop Blues featuring Dog, Crow and Meow 
The second appearance was to promote the ep, BARK!. and many new musical delights
The ep features. Ian Nicolson and Cello player, Tine from Germany This song is from the BARK ep  
From Solo to Trio After being solo for a while, Blackdoghat is now a trio with Rob Bell on guitar and Nicki Smith on cello. They live practically next door to each other and so it began with a string of dates in the area of London and further a field     This is the full interview and performance with Ian Nicolson and John Sage John is the main songwriter and is the master of his craft. Every song he 
You can find all the latest releases on his Bandcamp page.
I have just republished this after being transferred from the archives
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  1. Thanks so much Paul, totally honoured


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