Variety Show, not just about presenting
In the beginning Before i began on net radio, i used to run a record shop. While i was in business, i began to find talent. sell the merch and CD.s. Then the magazine idea comes to mind. I started printing a magazine, interview bands at gig, recieving music to review. Then the online radio came. At the time, i had no idea i could do radio, although for some reason, i didn't care. Luckily i liked what i heard and you learn things over time. I had interviewed bands for the magazine, but live is different. But again, i just did it. The online radio took over the magazine side of things, which is good, but you want to get out to gigs. The only trouble with a radio, it does not provide finances to do this. Local events are not too bad, you can sometimes get on guests lists, have a few drinks and interview the acts. I used to have a dictaphone or mini disc recorder to record interview, which was fun outside in the wind many times The future of Variety Up until t...