Charity compilation radio special

The Radio Special We will be using, General Foods Sports and Social Club, for the radio show and it only costs £12 for three hours. Its not a huge room, but large enough for one band to perform, with me, laptop, mixer, microphone and probably mixing deck, unless a band brings their own Because this is not a public event with more than one band, i want to stretch this to two band performances The bands can have an hour each or less, depending on how much material there is, which will give time for bands to change over. The venue is open 7-12pm so three hours is plenty of time Any bands or acts that are not in the U.K and want to perform, can do so on Skype, unless they are in the U.K want to come over. The net connection, will be via phone, as the venue has no wifi. If an alternative venue can be found with wifi, then we will change the venue for a better signal In the future We could have a gig in the future. Its always possible to do something larger. What i do has n...