Tubeway Patrol - Welcome to the Station Boys Review
The name ring a bell? Dust off the brain cells and take your mind back to the early 80s. Sean Burke who is a well know guitarist with Punk band Open Soar, then got pulled into playing electric guitar with non-other than Gary Numan's Tubeway Army. Then after the band literally split in two became The Station Boys, then Tubeway Patrol. Sean Burke has gone back on this masters and released this album along with promoter Michelle Griffins, Welcome to the Station Boys. What you hear is Punk as it should be heard from a Punk band. With Nicky Combes on vocals and Billy Holland on bass. The video above is an album sampler, gives you a taste before you buy on Saturday 8th September 2018 At first, I thought the sounds were little tini then I realised it's was Nicky's vocal style which reminds me of Gary Numan. The quality is nice and warm, all the instruments can clearly be heard even on mp3 which is always a good sign. There is a nice retro feel to ...