Radio show) Silverspark visit

Much fun was had with the cat wizzing around wanting attention and with. Carley who has such a wonderful singing voice and Matt is wiz on the guitar and creates some fine hooks.
They are one of the very few bands that are full time musicians, which pays the bills.

The came down to Banbury on Thursday 10th January for a couple of hours.  We had a chat a laugh and they performed four songs some off their ep and some not
You rarely get an act with music with commitment like this and it was pleasure to have them perform In House
This is a 4 minute clip of the interview my wife took. The question was about writting and about multitracking their songs
This is the first song earlier in the show.
The audio is the original tablet quality, which is fine. This will be replaced with the better
broadcast audio soon

This the second part of the performance, all in one and three songs

The audio was edted from the radio broadcast. The original sound was from the Tablet it was recorded on

This is the full uncut as broadcast audio from the show

There is more to come, which includes footage from part of the interview 
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