Radioplay promotion


This is the main areas of my music promotion i do for artists.
I had a website up until recently and had trouble with the page editing and domain. So i opened up blog and reorganised things.

I promote through my online radio shows. This is through Music World Radio. I have a 'cult following', as someone once put it and i always try to add to the promotion when i have an idea

This is the basics if what it involves

Live Radio shows

These i do for free, for the last 4 years as a hobbie.  I have been broadcasting in free form talk, music , talk, John Pee style show.  I broadcast twice a week in the evenings, Monday and Thursday.  An average, twice i month, i have a live interview, performance or both, either via Skype and sometimes if it is possible, an in house guest
All these radio show are live and its the interaction that people like. The station has a live shoutbox and i am on Facebook when i broadcast.  It would be good if i could get a paid radio slot on a station, but these things happen


The podcasts i released are the uncut, As broadcast ,radio shows. What you heard live, is what was broadcast live.  The only time editing is done is when there is a net connection of some kind.  The main artists of any show are compiled onto a poster for the podcast. On the podcast the picture is on display with a playlist of all music played and all artists links on the description


This began in June 2012. Mainly compiled of upto 4 images from the main artists of the show.
Recently changed this to a brick wall background on posters, to give a more underground look
The posters are using on all podcasts and on my Facebook, where i have a photo gallery set up


I have a Facebook for radio show and music content. The radio shows go under the album, Radio Variety Show. Every poster from each show goes into the gallery, then the podcast link is added


Replacing the website, which i had trouble with is the lastest edition to the promotion and linked to my Facebook. With this blog i write out about the up and coming shows, music review( Which also has a photo album) and more


Want to utilise your free texts, well, here is your chance
From this month on the show i am accepting texts for songs requests and shoutouts, especially when we have guests. I will answer back with a reply


This started in 2011, with giving away CDs. to save cost as such, although downloads, its just easier to send.  And because we have live performances, we can use these as competition prises.
The question is always something band related and there is an a,b,c option. One of them is the right answer.  The competition only runs on that show, no other. the winner get annonced 15 minutes before the end of the usually 9.45pm

This what we do. no money flows through this, unless we get sponsered. Although the Music World Radio is non profit, we aren't. We use and love the station to broadcast, which is for radioplay of artists music and they ge good feedback though it
We have gained a good reputation thought.  At the moment there is no website, although another one is going to be set up
Also Music World Radio is NOT my station, although people believe it is. The boss of the station is Magick Temple

I do this for the love of music, but nothing is free.  Coming onto the net is an going cost and obviously takes time of my day to organise things.  When i get work, this might have to take a backstep, who knows.
Do you like what you see? We are always coming up with a promotion or extra content.
Want to sponser us or submit music or want to donate?. Contact us by e-mail if you have seen this.

Thankyou for reading
text 07810518778


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