What is the Open Show Promotion, you ask?

Created in 2012 to highlight an album from an artists on every show thoughout a month
The original idea was to play one opening the show, but i thought that might get confusing and i love my jingle opening the show ;)
Then, i thought, why not have music under segments i talk, which i had never done before, although, i have heard it done by other people.
Over a year now, i have been choosing an album, for the most part, from one i have had from band
I play two songs, mostly in album order on each show. I play one opening the show, after the jingle. Then a second song i play, under the " Voiceover segments" That song is then played in full at the end of the show

June 2014
The next band, which i bought the album from, are from Daventry, England. There are a Poprock band, who have been gigging very hard made a lot of effort in their album release. I have interviewed them as a duo and as a band and i have broadcast them live and recorded footage
The band is
SILVERSPARK and the album is, Flames Run Deep

Other the fact i live their music and i have met the band ( Always good to see a band live), the new album is a fine quality production. Album review here

You can request any song you like from the album and it will be played on that show

Paul Readman
aka DJ Readman
Radio Presenter and gig goer
Radio Variety Show


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