Chart Show Future on Music World Radio

It appears, after 3 years, the chart show on Music World Radio, has ground to a holt.
2013 saw the demise, mainly due to lack of interest in the running of the show. The show has become popular with listeners, but not with presenters. You need people to work behind the scenes and a presenter or three overlaping each other or guest presenters to make it work

The chart has is a fine promotion. Got a lot of bands involved, some more that others.  This chart is run down every week from 20 - 1, which not many do with a chart. The advantage here, is you can listen to music from all over the world and some in non English speak  The idea of having an internal voting system was a great idea, rather than an open Facebook voting, which has it's own problems. The chart is not direct sales, although people viewing and listening via links and when show is broadcast, could generate sales, it is possible

The chart has two pages, one for displaying the top 20 and the nominations, with links to sites to where the songs can be listen to.  The other page is the front of voting system. Having one person working on just the pages is not the problem, having help, incase one person can not to a certain task, has been the main problem overall.
It's not perfect, there has been breaches in security, but that was resolved. The other issue is people wanting to playing the songs in the chart.  The chart is the easiest show to present.
The chart is a public voting system, your vote counts for one week. You then vote again and every week after that, as long as the song stays in.  Great concept, well executed, great idea, great chart, but no one has any interest in it any longer, which is a shame
I personal would like to see it keep going. I have less time, than before. I have my own show and was presenting the chart once a month. I did have a go at doing the pages section,, but just did not have the time. You need at least 4 people to run the chart show in general. I have no problem presenting it, i can only so much.

The chart is a great promotion for bands to get noticed. Some bands did a great job with promoting it themselves and got the station got noticed with articles on various online websites. This was in part thanks to the Pondhawks who were at number one for about 10 weeks.  I remember Bigtalkaah, redesigned their profiles with the mention of the chart. Many got involved in some way, which was the social media side

There could be a version of the chart or something completely different. The one thing that was never done as many people did not like the idea and neither did i ,although its a good alternative, is a registration system. Many like me, unless you write the information down forget log information. The whole idea was to make it simple as possible, which in turn means more work in the background

Thankyou to everyone that contributed, helped with the chart and nominated songs. There will be something in its place. There are always ideas floating about, but it is just the matter of working on idea and executing them and keeping the idea and plan going

Many thanks
DJ Readman
Radio Variety Show


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