National Chart music campaign

Based on what I have seem with two major " Getting this song to number one for Christmas to beat the X Factor" campaigns on Facebook, i thought, wouldn't it be great for this was a general promotion, not just Christmas?

There are only so many sites that register their mp3
sales for national chart count.
The last campaign in Christmas 2013, was for the dance tune, Activ8 by rave legends, Altern8. It got to number 33 after a long campaign. They generated 9.000 sales

 It takes over 100,000  sales to get into the top 10 from what i was reading on their Facebook.

As far as i am aware, the main sites are Amazon, Itunes, Digital7 and Google Play. 

Mp3 are tagged with information, thats how the sales count.  CD and Vinyl new release sales i am not too sure on, although they are both usually barcoded. Wav files, can't be tagged, which is a real shame, as like vinyl, their uncompressed sound and would be good for more numbers


This gave me the idea. Their release spawned 9 other remixes that were produced for the campaign from 9 major producers, including DJ Phantasy, are still available. Why not buy them and keep it in the chart. All versions count
Facebook of Campaign

This is just the start
Art below have their music on Amazon. As always, you can listen to a clip first, the decide to buy. It does take a lot buys to get into the chart. but if enough people buy the song and if there are remixes as well, all count. Don't just buy the song for the sake of it, buy because you like it

National Chart
The nation chart in the U.K has been going ever since Radio one began. The top 40 runs down every Sunday on Radio one. Yes, this is not, Music World Radio, but the national top 40 covers a lot of ground. As above, this means large numbers

Many people now agree that there is too much entertianment domination from TV shows in the chart. Music has to fight back, to what the charts used to have in them, pop, rock, indie, music music, not stuff that has been squeezed to death sound like game arcade effects

Billboard, is the American top 40 essentially. Its is not the same thing, but every country has their own system of registering chart sales.  Now as far as my knowledge goes, anyone from outside the country, can buy mp3s from English artists, but whether the sale counts for the U.K top, i have am unaware of. I see on the Altern8 Campaign, people asking about it in Austria. The internet is different system and of course, you are got to get people from many countries buying the same.
Campaign geared towards this is going to help the band and the song. Many people will care about the chart positition, many will not.

The whole point of this campaign is getting quality recognised again, by the masses and their mp3 players

Mark Hof (Synth artist from Germany
Listen and buy

Adrian Cross( Band member of the Bacillas)
Listen and buy

Since these website do to have mp3 music sales count for national chart, why not help the artist that are on this site and have mp3s on the sites, get into the top 40 national chart. Yes, there is a lot of talent out there

More to come.
DJ Readman


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