What is the Open Show Promotion, you ask?

Created in 2012 to highlight an album from an artists on every show thoughout a month The original idea was to play one opening the show, but i thought that might get confusing and i love my jingle opening the show ;) Then, i thought, why not have music under segments i talk, which i had never done before, although, i have heard it done by other people. Over a year now, i have been choosing an album, for the most part, from one i have had from band I play two songs, mostly in album order on each show. I play one opening the show, after the jingle. Then a second song i play, under the " Voiceover segments" That song is then played in full at the end of the show June 2014 The next band, which i bought the album from, are from Daventry, England. There are a Poprock band, who have been gigging very hard made a lot of effort in their album release. I have interviewed them as a duo and as a band and i have broadcast them live and recorded footage The band is SILVERSPARK an...