
I never thought I would get another iPhone.
The beginning

I love Samsung phones and love the Galaxy note range. I had the note 1for some time and I was going to stick with it for a while.
At work, I tether to my ipad2 to listen the radio station,  Jack Fm a well as Music World Radio. For some reason, I am unable to receive Jack on a general radio, which is rather odd.

Over the last couple of weeks, it appears that I have been wearing down my phone.  The place where you insert the charger was not holding as firmly as it was. At first, I thought it was the charging point, then I saw that the phone shell had warn down. First time I have ever had that problem.  I was going to get another, Samsung, phone.  Adding to that fact that, the phone headphone jack has issues with sound, your easily look at half the cost of the phone to replace( Got mine from Ebay  for £200), it was best to get another phone. At first, I thought, either a Nexus phone or go with another Samsung. Then of course, I thought to myself, will I still get the issue of the phones plastic shell wear down over time?

My iPhone 4S

Yes, my new phone, or refurbished one.  The metal shell that the phone is made out of sold me on his one. I managed to buy a 32gb white one, which was from a company, iPhone surgery in Banbury (Stick to local I say) 
It's the first time I have had an iPhone in 2 years. The first one was an 8gb 3G, which was a good phone, but 8gb goes nowhere when you start getting updates.

My Tips
For those you just getting into the phone world and just generally great tips, here are a few

32gig is the only memory capacity on a phone I will ever get. One of the reasons is, you will never run out.  With general updates taking up space on the operating system and any app you have, it takes up more space. 8gb, does not last 5 minutes, 16gb is better but, still not a comfortable size. 32gb is the lowest I will ever go on a phone and I recommend that size and above

Battery Life

The number one pet pev for anyone, with any phone. Samsungs are actually better than iPhone in this department.  the Note 1 is excellent. With the iPhone, I knew this was going to be a problem, so I did some research. The one major battery drain, is apps left open/running in the background. This was suprising, but it works. If you close apps every time you have finished with them. your battery lasts all day.  If you leave you apps open, it zaps the battery life by half your working day. I was pretty shocked when I found that out

The metal casing

If Samsung had metal cases phone, or whatever the name is for the phones shell is,  I would have stayed with Samsung. The metal case will last longer.  Apple are notorious for.easy access to batteries and to replace them, expensive products and my number one, no damn SD card slot. Aside from the Nexus phones, practically every phone has an sd card slot. People say, not having one frees up space and you can use the cloud option. I say to that, having just the cloud, limits you options.  Uploading the cloud takes longer with transfer and relies on wifi or phone signal to go to an cloud.  An Sd card takes mini seconds. Sd card can double the memory capacity and it's a physical product you can take out and use in your laptop. Cloud services are a fine service, but just having that is limiting customers options.

Again, I am not an Apple fan. At least Samsung, give their customers the options with various things on their phones. The only thing that let's them down is the plastic phone shell. Until the last month, I did not even think about that, but it's worth considering

Thanks for reading.  If there are any mistakes or updates, I do come back and reread posts
Dj Readman


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