Naked Lunch 30 Years in Beyond Planets (Album Review of Beyond Planets)

It's always a pleasure to receive music for radioplay.  When you get this kind of work, it's like, oooo, I have the album.
This album embodies 30 years of work. The band have released singles in the past, but prefered not to  releasing anything.  How wrong their were.  Even Tony the singer realised this as he mentioned in the first interview i did with him and Jet on the radio
The combination of re recorded classics, blowing the dust of lyrics, unfinished demos and brand new recordings, comes the long awaited electro album, that's looooong overdue

I was suprised how well the rerecordings turned out, especially Rabies, which already has two versions The re recording are, La Femme, Rabies, Fade Away, Weekend, Behaviour and Slipping Again.
The new songs are, Alone, Glow, We Are, Emotion Terminal( Quiet apt that one i should think),

No two ways about it, this is a huge undertaking, even by this legendary bands standards.
Bringing them up to date with new recordings, is not easy.
But, there was a. cunning plan......

When the new recordings began to merge, i liked Alone, as it signals, what the modern sound of Naked Lunch represented and has hidden layers.  We Are, is the bands, what I call "Underworld epic" tune.  coming in at over 7 minutes, its a good length, minimal, great intro and just a fine tune. It has a simular vein to,Technomancer, remix of Glow, but not as dark. The album needed to break the 4 minute length with this tune and electro needs to breath.  I got thrown by what appear to be two version of Slipping again. I thought one was a rerecording and one a remix of the rerecording. Turns out, they are two different songs..
The running order suprised me, assumming they would start with, Rabies, as it is the re recordings of their well known tune. Turns out, they open with the epic, We Are,  I bet they thought "Let's shock the world"
As a whole, well executed, well re recorded, a great electronic album for your collection. A New Nacked Lunch album for a modern world and show the masses how the masters do it.
The album is also the turning point with the band with new member, Jet Noir, having her influence, and in a way, one of the focus points to forge ahead

To reunite after so long, come up with an album, combining the elements above and not long making people realise who you are and fans of your previous work waiting in the wings, is rare and they nailed it 
As the label title points, Evolve or Die. This is an album to buy and listen to before you do and really, when the band had to do

Dj Readman


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