February Strummer Room Project Presents evening at Castle House, Banbury

This is getting excisting
The next event has a band i have seen and had on the radio before and one band i have had an ep from in 2013, but never met
This is the line up for February 28th 2014

Masiro,  A fusion of Instrumental Jazz Rock. From Oxford, but drummer from Banbury. I wondered who they were, then i read their press release and realise the drummer is from the instrumental metal band, Dr Slabbleberry.  Youtube
Punch Drunk Monkey Club i have met a few times, as Joe the bass player, is Chris Oakes son.  Be the third time i have seen the band perform
BLood Red Stars Have a Cocteau twins style to their sound. Never met the band before, but from the music i have heard, i like them already
The Shapes  Like the sound of the band, Dodgy, then you will like these guys. Got a very happy poppy, enjoyable sound. Can't wait to see the band live

The entire event will be broadcast live on Music World Radio and includes inbetween band DJ work by Screaming J Hawkins. I will be interviewing band inbetween that, possible live on the mic, depends on time between bands.

It is free to get in this month, so buy a beer or two and catch four very different live acts perform. This is going to be a great night                  EVENT


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