The Projectiles ( Official Blog)

The Projectiles
Renditions band, performing classic, well known songs with our own twist
Facebook Page
Stev / Guitar/ vocals
Carl /Drums/
Paul Bass /Drums
Extended band:
Carl  Rhythm Guitar,
Bob: Bass,
Paul Drums,
Stev, lead guitar and vocals

December 2014, extended band
Although, Carl, can play drums  it has become apparent, due being in reimintin from Cancer, the last few years, he has limited strength with playing the drums on top of working
Paul mentioned, that he could play drums to solve the problem.  Although its been about two years
since he hit a kit he would be back up.  Everyone was suprised how well Paul, could play. It was decided, that Paul would be back up for Carl.

Bob Cloutman Returns

Then the problem was filling the bass, Its so happens that Stev had been talking to Bob Cloutman, who has taken interested and turned up for a a couple of sessions.  He return to assist in additional bass duties when Paul is on the drums or if someone can't show for a gig

The Songs:
All the songs below we can perform; Some are near to oriuginals, some are not

Sweet Home Alabama
With or without You
 Hey Joe
Knocking on Heavens Door
 Let Me Entertain You
Teenage Kicks
 Johnny  Be Goode
Sweet Child o Mine
Amazing Grace  (Rock version)
Twist and Shout
 No Woman No Cry
I Shot the Sheriff
Come together
Thats Alright Mama/Its all over now Medley
 House of the Rising Sun
Sex on Fire
Mustang Sally
Honky Tonk Woman
Sweet Dreams
Oldsom Prison Blues
Nights in White Satin
Everybody Needs Somebody
I can see clearly now 

                          This is Paul on the drums and Bob on the bass, with Sweet Child of Mine             


                         Carl and Drum and Paul on bass of our rendition of, Superstition


                                                                         10 minute demo
More song in our set list in a montage of leads, singing and general "Oh thats what it is " parts

The Past Projectiles
Some of the bio

Paul Readman ( Blog editor) 
I had not known much about the band.  I know, Bob Cloutman, very nice guy, had been the bass player.and Carl was drumming. Due to Bobs family commitments, it became more difficult for him to be with the band. The band itself, was formed by Stev Aleksic, which come about with the music he teaches. Carl has been with the band since the beginning, aside from a few times, because of illness.  The Doolallays, which me and Carl were both in, collapsed and after a few months, Carl, was becoming fed up with the situation and ruing me. After a month oor two, he pulled me to join the band on Bass.

This is two pictures from Bob Cloutman from an earlier line up

There will be more history and information as we get it

How the bass player got involved
Paul Readman"
Over a BBQ round Carls place, in the summer of 2013, it was mentioned about a band performing classc songs. I knew Bob was in the band with Stev and Carl, but knew really nothing about it.
I was asked about being the bass player, but didn't know what was going on with the Doolallays.
Not long after, Carl called, who was completely fed up with the Doolallay situation and had been playing with the Projectiles as well to drum practice.. Carl asked, would i be interested? and i said yes.  I am the first to admit was suprised, as i am not the big fan of playing classics, but, I thought, why not, let's go for it, it will be fun"
It turnes out, we have done more in 5 months than we did in 3 years with the Doolallays. Difference band, and different music, but the progression has been good.

First band practice of 2014
First time we had a fine recording from video and audio.

Practice, Practice Practice
After using General Foods to practising, we sometimes use Northgate Studios in Banbury.  This is due to the fact that we can not hire General Food on a Saturday evening.
We have been pracising since December 2013, all 35 songs.

Filming stills
From a video experiment we did with local film maker, Simon Bastock Just a test to see how things come out

The Songs:
Want to hire us, these are 25 songs we can perform. There are about 6 to be added that need to be tweeked. These will be added a.s.a.p

Sweet Home Alabama
With or without You
 Hey Joe
Knocking on Heavens Door
 Let Me Entertain You
Teenage Kicks
 Johnny  Be Goode
Sweet Child o Mine
Amazing Grace  (Rock version)
Twist and Shout
 No Woman No Cry
I Shot the Sheriff
Come together
Thats Alright Mama/Its all over now Medley
 House of the Rising Sun
Sex on Fire
Mustang Sally
Honky Tonk Woman
Sweet Dreams
Oldsom Prison Blues
Nights in White Satin
Everybody Needs Somebody
I can see clearly now 

                                                First pictures including, my new band hat

                                                     First band pictures

Stev Facebook      My Facebook  Carls Facebook


  1. I Can't Wait to Hear Your' Rendition of 'Good Morning Vietnam'.

  2. The Projectiles began four years ago with myself Bob Cloutman and Carl Waring.

  3. Those photos bring back memories. Gig hunting in Oxford then a celebration in a Chinese to celebrate getting 3 in one day!

  4. I is in an band too Mr reedman. We is dippy doo darrs, wud love to do sum collaborating. You music is wel cool


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