Altern8 never evapor 8 ed. The return of Full Masked Hysteria

Music is full of milestones
The last true music revolution was the "Rave" era, loads of free love illegal raves, which, naturally spread to commercial success for many
Very few dance acts survived, or a solo producers went his own way, like Slipmatt from SL2. The Prodigy sustained momentum and continued their success, but very few acts did, unless you count, the Bassheads album, C.O.D.E.S, which went under the radar completely, until i discovered the vinyl album years later. 
One act, Altern8, did the reverse.  The duo, Chris Peat and Mark Archer, revolutionised dance music, probably without even knowing it.  Their album, Full Masked Hysteria was the only album they released, They disbanded, but the album steadily gained momentum thoughout the years, which takes a lot for that to happen.  Considered by many as one of the best dance album masterpieces ever recorded and it still stands up to in modern times, is quit ea feet.  14  tracks of glorious dance music, labeled hardcore (Anyone that knows their stuff, knows what a actual Hardcore is and the wrong tag,lol), to many the album has never been repeated in quality and production.
I have loved the album for years, wanted to get the vinyl album, which has not been easy up until recently. This is easier now, due to mainly vinyl copied surfacing on Ebay for one.  The album on CD is next on my list. When their stuff was around at the time, i was into DJing, so it was more the 12" singles to mix with

To the present day.
Mark Archer, kept going as a dj and still releases stuff digitally and sells at gigs.  Chris Peat, went into the world of IT. As far as I know, he doesn't make music, but I could be wrong.

Christmas number one campaign, Activ8
Started as a fan page and now gathering momentum. There is a Facebook campaign to get the tune from the album, to number one and beat the X factor to number one.
The fire is so hot, that Mark Archer has given his approval and there are a 8 remixes being made for the release. Every single version will count for the release date of December 15th 2013

This is the moment you've all been waiting for

I found this out by accident and it's a fantastic idea. 3 years ago, Rage Against the Machine, made it to number one. This was the first song in history to make it to the national top 40 on download sales alone. The reason for that was, that at the time, the band were unaware of the campaign and only so many download sites are registered as offical selling points for the chart. Killing in the name of campaign was started by a couple in England, fed up with hearing X Factor.  When the band found out, they put on a free gig in London, based on the campaign.
This is what social media is about. Now, it's the turn of Altern8. I am buying it and all the remixes on release. The only downside, which I only found out through the campaign website, is wav files of the songs (Uncompressed digital format) will be released In January, as Wav files are not officially counted. For those that are not aware, Wav files are the industry standard and have been around way before mp3. Wav files are the digital uncompressed presentation of the song straight from mixdown and engineering. You can't get better quality than that, unless it's vinyl (The god format of music)

Full Masked Hysteria review

I love this album from start to finish. Very few albums have non stop entertianment burned through it's core.( Image of the burning crow shot from the film in my head.  You can obviously tell the idea from this come from gigs, samples and sound from raves with the electro sounds, beats and synth, Incredible computer work for the time, when home hard drives were 10gig, you will know this is just by listening to the odd tune, is a complete masterpiece. If you have never heard it before, its very different to The Prodigy experience, the Bassheads album, C.O.D.E, in the fact that they whole album spells rave. Many albums were going away from that, which is neither good or bad.
One major secret of this album that just occured to me, is the memorable 'Comedy one liners' like: " This is the moment you've waiting for and " Watch ya bassbins i'm tellin ya, you know come from this album
14 songs, you would think all three minutes, but the duo stuck with club length, which is a good thing as dance tunes are never shorter than 5 minutes in any decade.. Evapor8, Hynotic ST8, have always been my favourites, just layering, depth and engineering that went into the this, the guys are bloody genuises to put it mildly.  The complete album is one big  rock of a masterpiece and one of of the " Listen before you die " albums . I compare this album to any Black Sabbath album, where the pace of each song keeps changing. You will want to have this on repeat for hours, its that good
Whether you are into dance music, getting into this for the first time, or whatever the reason
Guaranteed to turn your face into a rave smile

This is the link to the Facebook campaign. This is regularily updated as updated become available
We want this to get to number one " Move you body to the digital sales and ACTIVE8 the digital sales figures

Dj Readman, Radio Variety Show


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