At the Flapper, Birmingham, 17th August. Among the Echos. Drag, Scruffy Somethings and more

First time at the Flapper, nice venue, no where to breathe although, unless someone knocks a hole in the wall. Simular to The Cellar in Oxford. Four acts were on, only heard Among the Echos. I had did receieve music from all the bands, but live, of course, is different. Saturday Afternoon Got to the newly refirbished, New Street Station. We took the long walk to the Bullring, which is now connected by a long corridor. My wife, Rhonda was with me, as she likes Birmingham and a fan of Among the Echos. Although i like the act, i was looking forward to seeing the other bands as well. We stayed at the Holiday Inn, which is not that far. After a few hours relaxing, we walked to the Flapper. One thing that irritates me about this area of the city, is there are no direct paths. Yes, there are pavements, but you have to walk the long way round in many cases, even though another hotel carpark. The Flapper Very nice place, right beside the canal with loads of locks. From the outside, looks...