Open Sore ( Punk band)

In the golden ages of Punk, Open Sore Sprang up from the waistslands of England. This involved, Sean Burke, guitarist, which was before, Tubeway Army.  As many millions of people know, Tubeway Army was fronted by Gary Numan. Look at the videos and Sean Burke is the guitarists in the frame
This all started when Michelle Griffin, found me out and told Sean and i how i got a Facebook message from Sean. One of those golden moments in music.  I had to look twice at the message.  From what i know, Open Sore have not been doing much over the last few years. Mainly in the 70s with rehearsal tapes, then in 2009, they supported The Fall, which was recorded. To the present day, with what was recorded, including two songs from late 70s rehearal tapes, cleaned up,, is By Royal Appointment.

Open Sore is a Punk band, not an indie band, but straight down the middle Punk (What i call it)  First release in 36 years for the band.
This all came about when Sean Burke came back into the spotlight after collecting and recording his own material. He recently colaborated with John Watt, to record the single, A Perfect Fit.
This is how i found out about Sean Burke.  He was promoting his new single at the beginning of the year and with good results

At this point, Sean was thinking about releasing the Open Sore material when he was talking to me, live on radio and wondered if there was any interest.   I said there was interest as Punk as always got interest.
Not long after that, he got interest ( Suprise, suprise ;) ) and then released the album. This was mainly based on the single, Perfect Fit bring released and then people taking interest, mainly through social media being as big a it is.
I have had three shows with Sean, the first as about, Perfect fit and an interview. This was also the show i played some classic music he was on, which must have helped. The second time, he broke out his acoustic, the electric guitar, which was pretty damn cool jamming session.  The third show was about the Open Sore album.
Yes, every now and again i get people from the classic eras of music finding out about me or someone putting my name forward.  Like i said, before, i golden radio moment.

The album, By Royal Appointment is out now on Amazon
A compilation from live at the Roxy, with Open Sore on the compilation. Link

Sean Burke Interview       Sean Burke Performance   Open Sore Special   Open Sore Facebook

Dj Readman
Radio Variety Show
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