Want to help towards the radio show costs and more things forward


I love music, receiving music submissions and broadcasting on radio. although it's not paid (It would be nice :)

Contributing to the radio show cause
Radio shows cost money to run. I love doing it and I use my wages to pay for it, but to move the show, takes more finances. Although I have had donations towards the running, it is on going

Do you want to contribute, and think how can i?

A few examples
These were donated by a musician

The Micromixer is now being used for monthly and outside broadcasts. It runs on batteries which is an added cost, which I was not expecting

Financial donations
There have been a few £10 and £20 donations, so thankyou for this, since September.
To give you an idea, it costs £60 a month to run the show. Some of this is labour time.
I have been asked "What do you want for your time"
This has been mainly donation towards my blog and radio show. For thats donation of £10 have been sent

This blog has been used via Facebook to send donations to Paypal
Thankyou for clicking the link to this blog

Update: Next stage
Due to recent issues with Windows laptops i am considering looking at Macs. For some reason, i have issues with songs sticking on broadcasts and the laptop not liking the heat at lives events. Of course, this effects the enjoyment of people listening in. Although i do upload podcasts with the content after i have recorded, the streaming situation needs to improve.
Anyone that has a spare Mac laptop, they would kindly donate, it does not have to be new, as i want to do some tests. A lot of people go on about Macs, but they are different to a Windows laptop, which will take getting used to.
In an ideal world, having two laptops would be a good idea as the volume of video i have been doing especially, has increased

Castle House Live Events
From Monthly Guests to Monthly Gigs

I got invited by Chris Oakes to broadcast his live at his, Strummer Room event, down at the Banbury venue, Castle House, which i began in January. The first was a testing ground and it worked well. Februarys live broadcast do not turn out so well, even though i had bought additional equipment. This was mainly the laptop getting too warm, or some other issue i am not aware of.  
One thing good about this venue, it does not cost me to hire.  I take equipment down and use to broadcast live. In the idea world, i need two laptops and not use one for everything, but again, the radio has a zero budget. Anyone that is willing to provide a Mac, even if its just for live events i would be greatfull. The Mac will be used only for recording audio and stream it. It will not be used for video, which is recorded seperately

The General live radio broadcast 
Each show is two hours, Monday and Thursday. The average weekly show consists of around 18 songs. The show is a free form.presenter style. There are no adverts, as the station we use to stream is non profit. There is talking inbetween songs, banter and things that spring up live from listeners. I am always on social media and over the last few months more on Twitter.  The show does take time to set up, but social media is the extra time. Although social media is free to use, man hours (Labour time) adds up

The live broadcast are recorded automatically. The show is listened to, saved and uploaded with a poster.  There is no major different between the live show and the podcast, unless they was a net cut live or a song replacement


This year I have help with poster redesign, thanks to Lisa Ann. (Above) There is now a weekly radio poster and poster for every monthly guest.
Monthly guest for November as an example

Live  Guests

This is one area that has been looked many times. With the improvements in technology, I am now able to move the show forward. This is only for monthly guests at the moment. This again, comes down to finances.
I began by hiring the rehearsal room at General Foods Social Club,, which I used in August and October.  Unable to use in September a finances we too low, but were able to have a " Living Room session"
October was the month we rehired General Foods for what turned out to be the most popular on YouTube, which was Acoustic artist, Johnny Cooke

For Radio guests
General Foods is the location for radio guests. At the moment this change to the live broadcasting at Castle House. We will still us GF for future radio guests
                                                               The most viewed video of 2013

This is footage from October guest, Johnny Cooke. Traveled from Ireland, via Milton Keynes for the show

This turned out to be a very well received radio guest. The views began to fly in and still do. He will return in April for another appearance. The next time, the video will be filmed by local film maker, Simon Bastock

More Outside broadcasting
First was Bodfest in July, then November 2013 we broadcast a whole gig and filmed Pop Rock band, Silverspark

This was the first time we had been to a whole show of band to both film and broadcast.
This was at the Musketeer Pub in Banbury
As long as can use the mains and have soundcheck, we can broadcast a live band or at a festival

Youtube Channel
The video above and more performances show by me plus vlogs and other assorted releated videos can be found on our channel.  
 Radio Variety Show

What the financial donations go to
Any donations received go to either replacing equipment or saving for extra. We film a lot as you can see, this will need upgrading soon especially for better quality. The camera we have is good and i am amazed it does not distort. A camcord for better sound quality is needed, especially for the bass
The other area is hiring the room for guests. As i said above, sometimes we get cut sort  and unable to move to another location.  Live guests need room and to film as well.
The last donations received, went to buy this second microphone and stand. This is need for when we have guests

The station
Although i do not run, Music World Radio, i help out as well as broadcast.
Any donations(Money/digital), is split between my show running costs and the station. (After Paypal take their cut)

General donations
This is for any amount for any reason

Donate for a song
Want to donate a song for people to contribute and raise cash?
Simon Dwight is the latest artists to donate some of his live songs from our radio show he performed on in July 2013. You can play and the buy. The buy button is connect to a donate button. My songs are below. Any other artistts who want to donate songs, either  from Variety shows they have performed on or other music, then feel free :)

When e-mail is sent via Paypal i will send the song

Amazon wish list
Another alternative for equipment and music, or just an idea if anything it sent

Many thanks for reading. This has sparked interest from various people as above


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