What a weekend vlondon meet up with Chris Pirillo

Yesterday ( Saturday 15th June), me and my wife, Rhonda, returned to London after only going up there for my birthday to see the sights a last week.

We went to meet, Chris Pirillo, whos American tech, geek guru if you will. He has a growing community through his company, Lockergnome and his main outreach, his Youtube channel of the same name.

He just had a successful Vloggerfair in Seatle, U.S.A, which sold out.  Then he was part of Ungrounded Thinking, organised by British Airways( B.A) That was a  thinktank with 100 people from 15 countries bringing ideas to life on a plane( Simplified version).  Because of this is, he come to England for the first time, which was pretty cool.

We thought, this would be the only time we would meet him in person for a least a year or more.  With that in mind, we made our way to Hyde Park from Banbury, on the train.  The meet was by the, Italian Fountains.  Chris is very down to earth and had a guide with him, Alah.  This was not an English Vloggerfair, was only a meet up with some of the community in England.  This was only organised about week ago, with people through the community in England. I know a few people would show up as Chris has fans elsewhere in the world other than American.  About 30 people showed up at the park, most of with cameras filming his every move.  I felt like the paparazzi, quiet amusing. We were under tree for the most part as it kept raining  We then took shelter in a building in the park, where Chris began to sign gadgets from many of us. Rhonda, bought along her Starbucks cup, which many liked and probably thought, why didn't i think of that. I had my Ipad 2 with me and he happily signed the back of it.   We also bought along something English, a London cap and he wore is all day from what i can tell from picture later on
Because there were a few of us, i know that the general idea was to go indoors somewhere. Turns out, someone who was helping, Chris, works in a hotel.  He phoned up ahead of time so we could go there with the Lockergnome English community that had gathered.  We ended up taking the underground for the first time.
When we got there, it was basement area of a hotel.  Chris had organised a questions and answer season and yes i asked a question or two in the park and in the basement.  We were in the basement for about 2 hours and it began to get hot. We made our way out at nearly 6pm. When then shook hands, got some quick photos taken( One above) said goodbye. Me and Rhonda then colapsed in Costa, which, has it happens, was not that far away.
We met two guys in there, who had come from the meet up as well. We exchanged information had a chat, then made our way back to Marlyebone Station

Many people were probably just listening when we were there,, but a few very softly spoken and i guess weren't used to meeting people or socialising, which is understandable.  I am not the most talkative person out there, but given this situation i spoke and asked questions.  People were probably nervous, but for me, its just meeting someone off a the net.  Chris is known, hes not a Rock star, although many would probably consider him to be the geek version of one.

Until recently i was not the one to go searching round for channels unless i wanted something specific. The people i met and talked to on this meet up i had never met before nore had i seen them on Youtube. Meeting up, you meet people, obviously, but you then chat about the same things and that what its all about.
Meeting Chris was obviously the highlight, but i had many tweets from people, people subscribe to me youtube channel and i appear in more than one video from people that where there
It was a great experience, and yes, i will be doing that again, if someone organises one
One thing is for sure, iI will not use the underground again, unless its a long distance to to. From where we were, to the hotel, we could have walked in about 10 minutes

I have nodoubt, between now and i would say next year or later, there will be a Vloggerfair in England

Dj Readman
Radio Variety Show


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