Among the Echos gig at the Flapper in August...we will be intervewing them :)

Among the Echoes Gig at the Flapper, Birmingham

On August 17th,  me and Rhonda are attending the Among the Echos gig, at the Flappee in Birmingham. I thought, this time, lets have a chat with the band, The Frappe is right next to the canal.  We can sit outside, have a few beers and record an interview. I asked Ian, the front man, about doing a band interview at the gig.

Broadcasting live

It would be cool it broadcast the interview live on radio. Will have to see whether or not wifi is available and my phone is upto the task


This goes back before i did radio. When i ran a short lived printed magazine, i used to audio record interview with bands. If broadcasting live is not possible, then prerecording it will be. This will be audio ad video

We shall find out and this will be vlogged in due course. vlogs take longer than blogging does

Among the Echoes
Live at the Flapper
Saturday, 17th August
Tickets £5

To buy a ticket, go here

Dj Readman   Radio Variety Show


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