Radio Variety Show Youtube channel

Video is growing ever more popular on the net, especially Youtube, being more of a social networking with vlogging.
Chris Pirillo who just hosted the first ever Vloggerfair, in Seatle, U.S.A has spured me on to start again, creating vlogs and uploading good quality performances from radio shows

I have been over this on channels so many times, stop, started, stop, started and i really got fed up with poor quality live streaming, which was the whole point at the time

But, times roll on and now have a few more devices and ideas. One sticking area was reviewing digital music, which of course, there is no hard copy to show. I have now found a way round that problem ,so i can show something of the music.

I attempt to do one take of most videos, probably most of them on my phone. I then transfer to the pc and upload.  At first HD, was what i wanted to upload in, but. oh lord, does it take ages to upload, even about 8 minutes of footage

The new vlogs are going to be one take, sometimes cut and i want to keep the time down. I will uploading  wmv format as its good quality and it takes less time/  I will not be doing video every day as video still takes time to upload
The content is RVS vlogs, which is mixure of music content and news to share.  The is also performances form musicians, which some i still have to upload. Video content does take a lot of time to upload, which i would say, is the major downside of vlogging.  Of course the upside is the screen quality will be there

                                                Youtube Channel


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