Radio Variety Show Podcasts/ Posters

Ever since i began radio, i wanted to upload the shows somewhere. Overtime, people have ask for them, either they couldn't make it or i just put them up the day after live broadcast

What i used to do is just upload interviews and performances. I now upload the full uncut radio shows, no matter what is on them. I was on Soundcloud for a long period as it was the best way to upload in good quality and great embeded coding and app.  I still use podomatic, but i just left interviews on there as podomatic do not have an app yet. But now i have found mixcloud, which, for the first time i found a place you can upload via the net and people can listen on their smartphone.

I do two shows a week 8-10pm on a Monday and Thursday evenings in Banbury, England I do this for free on net radio.   I have done Fm before, nice to hit car radios on an underground station and would be my dream job to present a radio show, PAID, but you never know

I am always think of ways to improove the show or where to put the shows upload or add contact.  The next content is band posters.  I make up my own posters for shows, but i have wanted to put artists on every show poster for a podcast, but of course, i do not have just one style or band on.   So the podcast poster was born and it looks dam nice

I do a maximum of 4 picture 'window frame' look. If its an interview of one artists or band i put up band picture and album sleeves relevant to the conversation. Wit full 2 hour radio shows i put up  pictures of bands i have had a feature on as in more than 3 songs in one show

To listen to interiew and then full 2 hour ' As broadcast' radio shows

For you phone
goto Google Play and download ' mixcloud app
Goto app storre and download ' mixcloud app'

Thanks for reading

Want to submit a song, involved in a film, promote a book(Music/scifi/fantasy. horror etc)


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