4 years on Music World Radio..what a trip

Music World Radio I found, purely by chance via another station as i was just coming from.  At the time I had left a deck DJing station and i wanted to do more in broadcasting, others than mixing dance or drum & bass

There is always a plan, a small outlined plan for every show.   I have two shows in one week and amazingly, looking back I have kept that up.  There is a feature or theme of some kind, but you always leave it open for more.  One of the major parts of the show is introducing bands, and solo artists to listeners live on air, either through Skype or in the same room.
People like hearing me on the radio, I love broadcasting on the radio. I sort of do it my own way and bring different content to the audio stream.  Your mind starts turning and I see a TV without pictures.

Music World Radio opened up many options. There are rules, that are understandable and you need them in some cases, but they never get in the way of crazy shows and yes they have been some crazy shows.

My favourites have always been the live performance, two of which have been recorded on film.  The first one and a first for me, was a local band, Red Myst, which was filmed by Mark Adam at the time. This was in  2009( If memory serves me correctly.  Next up and without a shadow of doubting me personally, my favourite was, Dog Food, performing live for their 25th Anniversary in this hovel of a room in March 2010.

The one thing I have always dreamed of is making a liking out of broadcasting. It has never happened, but in all truth, never gave up either.  This is also the place I can take advantage of the music i am also involved in.

I am in a band, The Doolallays, really a studio band at the moment. There is also my Solo performance work, which is a creative collaboration with American Poem, Gary Cornman.  With the band, i hooked up with Chris Oakes, who took over on bass of the band and who also goes under The Strummer Room Project. I am always play the songs from any of the projects and you see people's instant reactions.

Since 2010 i have been married and the first time me and wife went out to a gig via the station, is when I talked live to Adam Zadel, the guitarist of the American Rock band, Soil.  I got VIP passes to see the band in Coventry on their U.K tour and got to meet the band as well...One of the best nights ever.

But it does not stop there...September 2012. Dog Food Return......A possible live performance special from Blackdoghat and there is always something on the horizon.....that's what gives you a kick out of the radio.

I thank every single artist for submitting music to me direct or when I raid the station cabinet for some ;) At the start, I was on turntables but gradually as you put the feelers out and set up e-mails,  you get music from all over.  You can't play it all at once, where the plans come in.  Many a time you let the artists know when you are going to play, but other times you make the playlist as you go, depending on how busy I am and of course, this is not paid work.
I broadcast from where I live and it would be nice to broadcast from a separate location, but, again, costs money. I have thought about moving it more than once to an office space or something like that, but at the end of the day, revenue as to channel through the shows or the website, but obviously that's not happened.  If i won the lottery, then yes, otherwise, probably not :)

As someone said on Facebook' Here is to another 4 years....RIGHT ON! :)


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