Pirates in My Sink

This was a turn up for the books.  I have always liked music, composing it, selling and broadcasting it, all in the last 17 years and counting. Although I'm in a band The Doolallays, I have never really thought about performing or recording songs solo although K hit a phase of producing electro music, which I still have and put up with my acoustic music recently.

This all started through my radio shows on Music World Radio.  You build up connections and I got to know Gary Cornman, who writes poetry and sends it to Maini Sorri, who transforms them into songs.  I had the idea of reading something out on my shows and Gary began to send me his poems....I thought cool, will read one out.  Then I thought, it needs background music and I did not have any music, which was instrumental to go with it.   I then thought I will use me acoustic and thats how my solo project with Gary Cornmans lyrics started.  

The first one has had a good response Pirates in My Sink, which is an Acoustic comedy.   I have not read much poetry, but this was funny and i was laughing when i was writing it down on a pad ( Pen and paper).
My cogs started to turn about how best to approach it.  I had the idea of background rain and thunder effects, so i added those.  The whole idea of the song is to make it sound like a pirate in a band, picking up his guitar on a ship in a storm and strumming a song.
I decided to record it as a studio version, which I did and released a video to go along with it about a month after as it took a while with getting footage from other people.  I then had the idea of nominating the song for the Music World Radio top 20 chart, just to really test the song.  Gary nominated it before i did and a few weeks after i see someone else nominated it, although it was already in the chart by then.

Acoustic style i have not really done before. I have two deck Dj mixes, a bass player and not in the Doolallays the front guitars. I had buy a new Acoustic as my nylon string guitar gave up on me. I also knew not everyone was going to pick it up and like it.  So far the song has been on the chart for 10 weeks.

I love playing music and performing it on radio,  Eventually when i have recorded more as there is more than a few Gary has sent me, i will be performing them LIVE, yes that is the plan.  There are some more comedy and horror, all different to each other.
I also linked up with local musicians, Darren Cole, who has mini studio and start doing something with Pirates in My Sink.

I am taking this seriously with the time i have at the moment. I put it up for sale with the video I created to promote the song.  I am thinking of doing a more electric version of Pirates and having Pirates Dance as well.  
There will be more recordings of more poems to come in the next few months, but I don't want to do too many at once. Might change one to a Pirate theme, as the next poem is Motorcycle Man and have been thinking of doing it in a Pirate theme. I never changed the contents of the poem but I might this time

I have put it up for sale through Paypal and Bandcamp as am seriously considering going to Kickstart or some other site, where you want to raise funds for a project.....but the packages i am thinking about at the moment as i  only have downloaded music to put up.
I have seen another band in the state start one, with recording an ep and they mention the funs will help pay for promotion and studio media time.  This is one side of music you have to get to grips with, so that's my thought at the moment. I will start writing my own soon but for now its a collaboration between Gary Cornman and myself

I thankieee kindileeee netmates aye!


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