Banbury's Unicorn Inn Campaign

 Thank you for Contacting us regarding the Unicorn Inn, Market Place, Banbury.


The Unicorn Inn is a Grade II* Listed Building and therefore is designated as a building of high significance. The council have recently been liaising with colleagues at Historic England to enter the Unicorn inn on to the Heritage at Risk register 2022 so that this will enable access to additional expertise that Historic England can provide and enable us to work more closely going forward.


The planning history on the building shows that Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent were granted in 2016 (16/01661/F & 16/01662/LB) for the conversion of the building to residential properties. This permission was not implemented and therefore is no longer a valid permission. Further applications to renew the lapsed permission were received at the beginning of 2020 (20/00063/F & 20/00064/LB) but these were never validated and were not proceeded with. Therefore the site no longer has a valid planning permission attached to it and any new proposals would require new permission and consent. The council would support proposals that restore and protect the significance of the building and are keen to work with the current or new owners to facilitate this. 


The process of compulsory purchase can follow the issuing of a repairs notice by the Local Authority through enforcement powers, this is unfortunately not an immediate solution and there are legal processes that have to be followed. The full details of this can be found on the Historic England website and the attached document ‘stopping the rot’ will explain more.


Cherwell District Council have recently attempted to make contact with the owner of the property and arrange access to the building to enable us to assess the situation (letter dated 8thAugust 2022). Once either a response is received or the allotted time has passed there is an intention to progress the issue in the appropriate manner.


Kind Regards

Conservation Team

Planning Policy and Conservation

Communities Directorate

Cherwell District Council

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